Professional Background

  • P.G.Diploma in Water Resources Management.
  • M.Sc. Geology (Spl.Hydrogeology).
  • B.Sc. Geology.
  • M.Sc. Ecology & Environmewnt
  • M.Sc. Geo-informatics
  • Pursuing Ph.D(Geology).
Kundleshwar Panigrahi

Professionally, Mr. K. Panigrahi has experience of around 20 years in addressing the issues related to WASH in the country and become professionally engaged with seven different renowned institutions as a honourable member including International Rain water harvesting Alliance (IRHA), American Rain water Catchment System and Water (ARWCS) & Sanitation Rotary action Group (WASRAG) and Rotary club of Raipur Greater since 13th July 2001. Moreover, Mr. K. Panigrahi has trusted as a

  1. Active as Member of Rotary club Of Raipur Greater R.I .Dist 3261 From April 2002
  2. Honoured by Distinct Governor 3261 as A Chairman Water & sanitation CG in Our Ri dist 3261
  3. Outstanding Club Secretary in the Year 2006-07
  4. District Resource Group Co-ordinator Water in the Year 2009-10
  5. District Coordinator Water Management in the Year2009-10

Additionally, Mr. K.Panigrahi has organized more than 100 numbers of sensitisation workshop around the country on WASH with support of various organisation and Rotary club of Raipur, and presented paper on Rotary “Water Management Conference” in the 2008 at Vigyan Bhavan, New-Delhi, India in front of RI President Jonathan Majiyagabe, PDG Ranjan Dhingra, and PDG Sushil Gupta. From 2003-04 onwards, every Year we are organising Rain water Harvesting Seminar on 5th June i.e., World Environment Day, under the banner of Rotary Club Of Raipur Greater and experienced to installed more than 3000 Rain water Harvesting System of Rotarian, Houses, industries and other government and private buildings to save million Litres of rain water as well as life.

Experiences/background in WASH related activities

Technical Studies and Implementation

  • As a PPP Team member of WASRAG under the guidance of PPP team Leader PDG Arvind Phukhen , I have done Extensive Geophysical Study in the Akre gram Panchayat & nearby hamlet of Thane District, Maharashtra state for the Sustainability of Ground water in the Dug-Well & bore-Well through the year and those report approved by the Rotary foundation.
  • In the year 1996-97, prepared a technical report on Watershed for Western Orissa (Khariar Block of Kalahandi District (known as severe water scarcity area) under the banner of BRAJRAJ SEVA SAMITI Khariar, for an area of 5000 Hectare, to mitigate the Drinking & irrigation Water and Department of Science & Technology DST approved those project and implement different RWH Structure.
  • The Super Cyclone caused in Coastal Orissa affected so many bore-Well/Hand pumps in the year of 1999, I involved as a volunteer for site selection & construction of more than 50 Tube-Well for Availability of Quality Drinking Water for cyclone affected villagers.
  • Detail Hydro-Geological investigation Report Prepare (100sq. km. Area) for Lanco Amarkantak Power Ltd.
  • Engaged to identify More than 10,000 Bore-Well & Hand-Pump Site Selection (through Geophysical Resistivity Survey) for Fresh Ground Water Withdrawal to provide Good Quality of Water for Different sector like Drinking, irrigation, Industrial use etc for Rural & Urban Community, Since 1997 to till today.
  • More than 5000 Rain water Harvesting & Artificial Recharge structure installed in and around of Chhattisgarh & neighbouring states of India for Ground Water Conservation, Since 1997 to till today.
  • More Than 100 Workshop, Presentation & Mass Awareness Campaign on Rain water Harvesting Subject to aware the community in the field of Water Conservation, since 1997 to till today.
  • Guided 75 Integrated Watershed Management Programme (I.W.M.P) and Detail Project Report (DPR) Preparation in the Watershed Cell of O/o The Development Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Department Government Of Chhattisgarh, as a Technical Expert during the year September 2005 to Nov 2010.


Workshops, Presentation and Capacity Building

  • Presented a Paper on Rain Water Harvesting Technique in Different Geological Terrain Of Chhattisgarh in the Occasion o f R.I. Presidential Celebration on Water-Management Summit at Vigyan Bhavan, New-Delhi, India on December 9-10, 2003 in front of President of India & R.I. President Jonathan Majiyagbe.
  • Organised more than 100 numbers of workshops on WASH and Rain water harvesting in the country covering a population of more than. 3 Lacs
  • Every Year on the eve of “WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY celebration” on 5th June, we organize Seminar on Rain water Harvesting & Water Management under Rotary Club of Raipur Greater since 2004-05. Mr. Rajendra Singh, Magsayse Award Winner, from India attended the workshop and address the mass to create awareness in 2007.


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