We expertise on -

Water resource assessment,development and management specialist,Rain water Harvesting & Artificial Recharging Expert.Has experience in quantifying water resources,making watershed management ,Development plans,assessing water quality and contamination,GIS ,drilling and pumping test supervision,Geophysical Investigation for Ground Water Site Selection ,writing preliminary,feasibility and final reports,making proposals,midterm and final evaluation of watershed Projects.He has been a Team Leader and Technical Expert for a number of projects and has experience in Chhatisgarh,Orissa,Madhya pradesh,& many more state of india.

cgwr raipur

1997 - Till Date

Water Management

More than 10,000 Bore-Well & Hand-Pump Site Selection (through Geophysical Resistivity Survey) for Fresh Ground Water Withdrawal to provide Good Quality of Water for Different sector like Drinking, irrigation, Industrial use etc for Rural & Urban Community ,Since 1997 to till today .

1997 - Till Date

Rainwater Harvesting

More than 5000 Rain water Harvesting & Artificial Recharge structure installed in and around of Chhattisgarh & neighboring states of India for Ground Water Conservation. Since 1997 to till today.

cgwr raipur

1997 - Till Date

Water Conservation

More Than 175+ Workshop, Presentation & Mass Awareness Campaign on Rain water Harvesting Subject to aware the community in the field of Water Conservation, Since 1997 to till today.

cgwr raipur

1997 - Till Date

Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group (WASRAG)

As a PPP Team member of WASRAG under the guidance of PPP team Leader PDG Arvind Phukhen , I have done Extensive Geophysical Study in the Akre gram Panchayat & near by Hemlet of Thane District, Maharashtra state for the Sustainability of Ground water in the Dug-Well & bore-Well through the year and those report approved by the Rotary foundation.

cgwr raipur

2005 - 2010

Watershed Management

75 Integrated Watershed Management Programme (I.W.M.P), Detail Project Report (D.P.R.) Preparation under my Guidance during my Job in the Watershed CELL O/o The Development Commissioner, Panchayat & Rural Department Govt. Of Chhattisgarh, as a Technical Expert. During the year Sep.2005 to Nov 2010.

cgwr raipur

2009 - 2010

Hydro-Geological Investigation

Detail Hydro-Geological investigation Report Prepare (100sq. km. Area) for Lanco Amarkantak Power Ltd.

cgwr raipur

1999 - 2000

Disaster Management

The Super Cyclone caused in Coastal Orissa affected so many bore-Well/Hand pumps in the year of 1999, I involved as a volunteer for site selection & construction of more than 50 Tube-Well for Availability of Quality Drinking Water for cyclone affected villagers.

cgwr raipur

1996 - 1997

Social Services

In the year 1996-97, I have prepared a Watershed Report for Western Orissa (Khariar Block of Kalahandi Dist. known as severe water scarcity area) under the banner of BRAJRAJ SEVA SAMITI Khariar, for an area of 5000 Hectare ,to mitigate the Drinking & irrigation Water .and Department of Science & Technology DST approved those project and implement different RWH Structure.



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